This app is able to create or to verify an IBAN (International Bank Account Number) number, according to standard ISO 13616.Select a country, insert an IBAN number to check if check digit is correct.Privacy Policy (Questions & Answers)------------------------------------Q. What personal information do we collect?A. We do not collect any personal information.Q. How do we use your personal information?A. We use your personal information only to check the Check Digit of your IBAN number (only IBAN number is your personal information).Q. For how long do we use your personal information?A. We use your personal information as soon as this app is running or opened. As soon as you close/hide this app, your personal information is deleted.Q. How do we protect your personal information?A. We do not store or share your personal information. For this reason, you have always to manually insert your personal information (IBAN number).Q. What about Third Party Disclosures?A. We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to third parties your personal information.Q. Do we transfer your Personal Information?A. Your personal information is not transferred to outside parties. We do not interact with outside parties.Q. Do we retain your Personal Information?A. We will retain your personal information only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.Q. Does this app use Internet?A. No, this app does not use Internet.